Friday, June 9, 2017
Today we're gonna switch it up a bit. No piano lesson!
I wanna introduce you to a singer in England who I just discovered. She's quite the sensation and you'll see why. Her stage name is Rumor. Her voice is velvety smooth and resonant and she's an alto. Yippee!! Have a listen. I think you might just fall in love with her voice like I have.
And the band is killer too! It's from Daryl's House (from Hall and Oates). This is a program where Daryl brings artists to play at his house in upstate New York. They sing their own songs, covers, and Hall and Oates tunes. Great show. You can find hundreds of videos on Daryl's House channel on YouTube.
Hopefully these two songs will lift you up, make you feel joy and inspire you musically and otherwise!!

Click Here to Listen
Click Here to Listen More
That's all for today. Have a wonderful weekend and we'll have a piano lesson next week for sure!
