Tuesday, August 1, 2016
Here is the latest article that I wrote for Making Music Magazine, the online music magazine for which I am a featured writer. It is about how to play chords to accompany yourself with no note-reading. It contains three very valuable formulas to get the job done. Have a look!
Making Music Magazine Article
Okay, so I gotta say, this is the summer of concerts for me. I attended Paul McCartney (transportive), Bob Dylan (disappointing), and just 2 days ago, Coldplay (speechless. so good). I have included one of the great songs they played that I find to be a truly beautiful ballad off their latest CD. The concert was filled with inspiration through colors, lights, poetry, videos from Mohammed Ali, Martin Luther King, and uplifting, raise the roof stadium anthems plus mellow, sad, acoustic ballads. And only Coldplay would open a rock concert with an Italian Aria. Loved. Every. Second.
Happy August, y'all (New Orleans still in my blood)
Remember to Love your piano and it will love you back!
p.s. Almost done recording the latest DVD which will include 16 cards of notation for what you are learning! This is the first time I've included this with a DVD. Very excited to show you!!