Saturday, March 8, 2014
Thanks to many of you who sent me messages of congratulations about the Making Music gig. I am happy to be a contributing writer. The camera angle of the first video wasn't quite centered, but that problem will be fixed the next time, I assure you!
The magazine has offered a discount to all eNotes subscribers. By clicking on this link, you will receive the discount. Normally the magazine (physical copy that you can actually hold in your hand!) is $16.95/year. Your discounted price is $12.95/year. Click on this link to subscribe.
Making Music Magazine Subscription
I HAVE to tell you about an amazing concert that I attended on Thursday night with my 13-year old son. It was the rock group Imagine Dragons. Needless to say, my son wasn't exactly thrilled to be going with this mother which he made very clear on more than one occasion. And I wasn't sure I even wanted to go (given his enthusiasm about me and my lack of knowledge of the group). But we went and it was incredible on many different levels.
The songs, especially the big hits like "Radioactive" and "Demons" and "It's Time" were so powerful. The harmonies (which I absolutely love) were beautiful. The lead singer has such a passionate, full voice. They were an incredibly exciting band to listen to but the feeling behind their music is palpable. And you knew that they were loving every second of performing.
This leads me to another comment, the magic that takes place between performer and audience. When
this happens (not always the case at all!), it is quite something to behold. My son was experiencing true joy through this show and so was I. We loved how this band made us feel and the band loved how we made them feel. And this all happened through the music. It wasn't just the music but the LIVE music that made all the difference.
And the live music with passion and heart made the whole experience become transcendental for me. I am so happy that I teach people about music and even maybe inspire some of you. Because, corny as it may be, music IS the universal language. It connects us to one another and to ourselves.
This video is a really cool acoustic version of Imagine Dragons singing "It's Time" in someone's living room. The magic in their music is all here. No lights, smoke, videos, or electricity needed. It's all about the music.
Please Watch This Video of Imagine Dragons
Well, that's all for today. I will be offering a Special Introductory Skype Program soon so keep your eyes open for that!
Be well and remember.....
Love your piano and it will love you back.
Debbie Gruber
p.s. If you have attended a great concert recently, please tell us about it on EasyPianoStyles.com Facebook page!