Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Do you love playing the blues? I do, a lot. Which is why I want to teach you more about it. I am always learning more myself.
When I was in graduate school, I was given an assistantship teaching pop/jazz appreciation classes every morning to undergraduates.
I loved teaching these classes!
I really didn't know much about it myself so I spent the summer learning and listening.
One of the fundamental lessons I learned about jazz is that it's foundation, and the foundation of all popular music (folk, rhythm and blues, gospel, spirituals, rock, jazz in all of it's forms) is none other than the almighty blues!!
Sooooooo, if you wanna learn these styles, you need to start with the blues. As a matter of fact, to begin to improvise, blues is the best place to start as well.
The 12-bar blues.
This lesson is about
the"drone". It's a common technique used in the jazz/blues style. This lesson also covers the use of slides or grace notes which you can incorporate into your melody.
Watch Video Piano Lesson
I will be playing at the Tewksbury Country Club in Tewksbury, MA this Friday, March 4th from 6:30-9:30PM.
I will also be playing at Ginger Gourmet in North Reading, MA on Saturday, March 5th from 7:30-10:30PM.
Come say hi if you live nearby!
This week, we are bundling the Fills and Frills DVD and Elegant Embellishments DVD AND You're the Artist book and CD for $45.
This is a $63 value
Order now and get started implementing these awesome techniques!
That's it for today. Teaching class at Reading Recreation in Reading, MA on Tuesday, March 8th. It's the Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People!
Call 781-942-9075 to register.
Have a great day (I know it's a cliche you hear a million times, but I do sincerely wish this for you)
And remember, love your piano and it will love you back
