Monday, April 16, 2012
This video piano lesson teaches you a right hand embellishment technique that can be used as a fill when the melody is resting. It is 3 minutes long and I use two songs to demonstrate the technique, "My Cherie Amour" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". Have a listen.
Video Piano Lesson
Upcoming Classes
I have just purchased three more new keyboards so that every student will be able to play in class. Some schools don't own keyboards, but I think it is important for you to be able to try out these techniques as I demonstrate them. If a school doesn't have keyboards, I now will be bringing my own for you.
The Covergirls Perform at Nourish Restaurant
Our gig last weekend went so well, that Nourish has invited us to play and sing there every month. We're so excited. I hope to meet more of you there. Thanks to those people who came and who introduced yourselves to me. I really enjoyed meeting you!
The Covergirls
Well, that's all for now. Be well.
Debbie Gruber, B.M., M.M.