Sunday, March 7, 2021
I know, I said I was going to send eNotes out on Mondays from now on, but I just couldn't wait!
How do you approach learning a song on the piano?
Do you start with the melody or the chords? I start with the melody, then add the chords but you can do it the other way around or both at the same time too!
There's no right or wrong here
In figuring out the chords, you're gonna see lots of seventh chords, three especially, so this lesson teaches you those three types.
But wait, aren't there more you should know?
Yes, but let's start with the most important ones, the ones you will see over and over again in your charts.
Major Seventh, Minor Seventh and Dominant Seventh
Basically if you understand how to construct these seventh chords you will be able to play 90% of the seventh
chords you see!
Pretty exciting, right?
I used the first line of "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" to demonstrate these three sevenths because within that line, all three types are there!
Pretty cool.
Watch and learn,. You will learn some simple formulas for chord construction.
Who couldn't use tried and true formulas to make life easier. Can I hear an Amen?
Click Here for Video Lesson
Sign Up for Class with Me - "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" Wednesday, March 10, 7-8:15pm

Much love,
p.s. Please share, like and/or comment on the video if you are so inclined. I like, no love, to share what I know and build a community of piano lovers!!