Sunday, February 7, 2021
How do you end your songs? I bet that's not something you think about too much but it is important. It gives the song a "coming back home" feeling, if you will.
Here is one way of ending a song that I discovered from Herbie Hancock and I love it. What makes it jazzy? Well, the use of chromaticism, a big part of jazz. Chromaticism is half step movement. And that movement gives tons of tension and release to songs.
Click Here for Video Lesson
If you'd like to learn 12 more fabulous intros and endings, check out my DVD called The Final Touch. It's available digitally and in physical form! So much to learn!

Digital Version
Physical DVD
Sign Up for One Night Piano Class - Thursday, Feb 11, 7-8:15pm
There are a few more openings!
This class will teach you how to play the standard "Can't Help Lovin' That Man"
You need to know the notes on the piano, how to read a melody line well in the treble clef and basic knowledge of chords.
I will teach you the rest!
Class limit 10.
Thanks for watching,.Remember,
Love Your Piano And It Will Love You Back!
Much love,