Tuesday, April 5, 2016
This next video piano lesson is all about the minor chord. Man, we couldn't live without these. I mean, if I HAD to choose between major and minor chords, I would have to choose the minor. They are mellow, dramatic, bittersweet and full of soul.
Now you will learn three different ways of playing the minor chord that will add even more richness and sweetness to what is already a wonderfully sad sound. Sounds strange to say it but it's kinda true.
Watch Video
Upcoming Classes
Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
Tuesday, April 26, 6:30-9:30PM
Keefe Technical Vocational High School
Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
Saturday, April 30 2-5PM
Cambridge Center for Adult Education
Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
Tuesday, May 3, 6:30-9:30PM
Brookline Adult and Community Education
If you want to learn more cool chord voicings, embellishments, blues riffs, intros, turns, check out the DVD Bundle for a special price of $75 and FREE SHIPPING in the United States
DVD Bundle
That's all for today. Hope you have a great day and enjoyed this issue of eNotes. Next week is another article/video in Making Music Magazine!
Be well and remember, love your piano and it will love you back!