Thursday, February 16, 2017
I am very happy to announce that The Color of Blues program is in production now. The book is being printed and the DVDs are all filmed and edited and just need to be duplicated at the production company!
Here is what it looks like.

The program includes a book with two DVDs totaling 42 lessons. The lessons cover the following topics:
Two note blues chord voicings
The 12 bar blues form
Variations on the 12 bar blues form
Three note blues chord voicings
Blues scale in C
Four boogie boogie patterns for the left hand
Right Hand blues riffs
Rhythm exercises
Beginning improvisation exercises
All 42 techniques are demonstrated slowly and explained thoroughly in addition to being notated with large print in the book.
We are not taking orders yet and are still planning on a March 15th release date but if things move along quickly, it might get released earlier!

Upcoming Gigs
For anyone living near Boston, I will be performing at the Tewksbury Country Club, 1880 Main Street, Tewksbury, MA this Saturday night, February 28, from 6:30-9:30PM.
I will also be performing at Flatbread Restaurant, 213 Burlington Road in Bedford, MA from 6:30-8:30PM on Monday, President's Day, February 20. Come say hello!
With much love and appreciation for being part of the EasyPianoStyles community,
