I have been teaching this 3 hour class called "Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People" for 13 years in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Sometimes I teach it with only one piano in the room. And I am the only one playing it. People who haven't taken the class are amazed that anyone would want to take it or that they could learn from it. I understand their skepticism. But it really does what it says out to do. Just check out the Testimonial and Classes Pages on www.EasyPianoStyles.com and you'll see.
So what is the ultimate goal of the piano class? It's two parts theory and one part inspiration. You see, if you have grown up taking traditional lessons as I did, you think there is only one way to play the piano. And that is through reading notes, treble and bass clef. But there is so much more. By reading chords and a simple melody line (and sometimes not even THAT much), you can play how most jazz pianists play. You can learn how to read charts or songs that are put in the format of melody and chord symbol and that it it!
Can you learn this without sitting at a keyboard? Yes, yes. Because it is a whole new method of playing for most people and with my demonstrating you can see how it all comes together. Then you get a book and CD to implement what I've talked about. Through learning the piano this way, you begin to understand what is going on behind the music, the fundamentals. It's conceptual yes, but doesn't everything have to begin there? Then you do the hands on at home. It works!
I just taught a class a few days ago and when one of the women left the class, she said to me that she was disappointed when she first arrived that there were no keyboards, but then she said it really "worked" and she learned so much. She said this with a big smile on her face!
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